Welcome, Bienvenue

Welcome to Queen of Counsel!

Some of you may know me as pbfink from Dance Diary: an honest account of my life at ballet school, which has now extended into my first year as a professional dancer. Well here, at Queen of Counsel, I am pbShrink. I give advice on life, love and everything in between. You, my readers, can write in with questions or issues that you are dealing with and I will answer in a Dear Abby kind of way, only without the Mom Hair and with less life experience.
Let me take this moment to announce that I am not a shrink. I do not have a degree in psychology or medicine. I do work with a lot of crazy people, but if that were the only qualification to become a shrink, every ballet dancer would have a black leather couch in her office. As it is, we don’t have offices. Or leather furniture. Just ugly feet and stinky shoes. Nevertheless, please feel free to write in. You can address me as PB or pbShrink.
Note: PB stands for Peanut Butter, one of the loves of my life alongside cheese and my Hunky boyfriend.

For example…

DEAR PBSHRINK: I have really dark hair and eyebrows. I like this about myself. However, I recently realized that I have dark brown sideburns, which is really embarrassing as a woman. What can I do? –Female Elvis

DEAR FEMALE: You are not alone. I, too, have dark sideburns and I have tried 30 different ways to hide or remove them. Here’s what NOT to do: Do not shave them or you will get razor bump and stubble on your face. Do not wax them because it hurts more than a Brazilian and you will still get face stubble. Do not bleach them or you will look like Thomas Henry Huxley.

You only have 2 viable options. The first is to embrace your facial hair. Grow out your sideburns and style them with gel. You can do curly-Q’s, spikes, or pointy swords for a severe look. The other route is trimming. Use nail or sewing scissors because they are sharp and easy to handle. Pinch your ‘burns with your non-dominant hand and cut the hairs with your dominant one. Snip approximately one centimeter from the root. If you snip too close to the skin you will get bald patches and that is worse than Mr. Huxley’s side-rugs. Happy styling! –pbShrink

Of course, you can write in with more serious problems than unwanted facial hair.

Type, "DEAR PBSHRINK:" into the comments box and continue with your question. I promise to reply promptly. Check the Queen's Advisory page [aka Home page] for the answers to your questions.

I still suggest subscribing to Queen of Counsel in order to be notified immediately when a new Q gets A-ed. Happy asking! --pbShrink

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